Points of Contact
While the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) includes both the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) the processes in this site are specifically for SAO personnel, unless otherwise noted. Harvard has distinct processes that should be followed for any individual with a Harvard-only affiliation.
Some information contained on this site, such as building maps, general information about the worksite area, etc. will be useful to all incoming personnel.
Help with Specific Questions - Administrative Staff & Program Contacts
Division Administrators (or their designees) handle many of the administrative support details for CfA/SAO personnel, and can provide guidance and answer questions on a wide variety of topics. If they do not know the answer to your specific inquiry, they will likely be able to put you in touch with someone who can assist. In some cases, you can go directly to your Supervisor or Advisor.
Contacts for specific programs, as well as divisional or site-specific contacts are listed below.
For visa contacts and information see "Foreign Nationals" page
Intern, Student, and Fellow Program Contacts
Early Career Researchers (ECR) Coordinator
The ECR Coordinator / Fellowship Office is available to assist: interns, predoctoral fellows, postdoctoral fellows (employee fellows should contact their division admins), visiting students, and visiting scientists.
Teresa Mccarrell (ECR Coordinator) | ecr-coordinator@cfa.harvard.edu
Harvard University Department of Astronomy
Mark Palmer (Graduate Coordinator, Astronomy Dept.) | mpalmer@cfa.harvard.edu
SAO Predoctoral Fellow Program
Dr. Jim Babb (Program Director) | jbabb@cfa.harvard.edu
SAO Postdoctoral Fellows
A postdoc council represents this group at the CfA
SAO/University of Southampton Astronomy Masters Program
Dr. Doug Burke (Program Director) | dburke@cfa.harvard.edu
Cathryn Murphy (Admin. Contact) | cathryn.murphy@cfa.harvard.edu
CfA Research Experiences in Astronomy, Technology, and Engineering (CREATE) Program
Dr. Rudy Montez (PI) | rodolfo.montez@cfa.harvard.edu
Cathryn Murphy (Admin. Contact) | cathryn.murphy@cfa.harvard.edu
SAO Astronomy Summer Intern Program
Dr. Jonathan McDowell (Co-Program Director) | jmcdowell@cfa.harvard.edu
Dr. Nimesh Patel (Co-Program Director) | npatel@cfa.harvard.edu
Kara Tutunjian (Admin. Contact) | ktutunjian@cfa.harvard.edu
SAO Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), Solar
Dr. Chad Madsen (Program Director) | cmadsen@cfa.harvard.edu
Sandy Daly (Admin. Contact) | sdaly@cfa.harvard.edu
Administrative Staff by Division
Atomic and Molecular Physics Division
Ting Ting Li (Division Administrator) | ting_ting.li@cfa.harvard.edu
High Energy Astrophysics Division
Cathryn Murphy (Admin. Specialist/HR Liaison) | cathryn.murphy@cfa.harvard.edu
Optical and Infrared Astronomy Division
Sue Demski-Hamelin (Admin. Specialist) | sdemski-hamelin@cfa.harvard.edu
Radio and Geoastronomy Division
Elizabeth Shepard (Division Administrator) | elizabeth.shepard@cfa.harvard.edu
Solar, Stellar, & Planetary Division
Tina Arabadjis (Admin) | carabadjis@cfa.harvard.edu
Theoretical Astrophysics (TA) Division
T.J. Martin (Division Administrator) | thomas.martin@cfa.harvard.edu
CfA Administrative Staff
Benefits Questions (employees only) | sao-benefits@cfa.harvard.edu
The benefits email can answer specific questions about topics such health and dental insurance coverage, retirement, commuter options, etc. for employees only.
For visa and other top-level questions it is best to start with your Division Administrator, or the administrative person with whom you have been in contact.
Arizona / Whipple Contacts
Mara Lopez-Beccera (Admin.) | maria.lopez-becerra@cfa.harvard.edu
Murdock Hart (Site Director) | murdock.hart@cfa.harvard.edu