Required & Suggested Training


While the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) includes both the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) the processes in this site are specifically for SAO personnel, unless otherwise noted. Harvard has distinct processes that should be followed for any individual with a Harvard-only affiliation. 

Some information contained on this site, such as building maps, general information about the worksite area, etc. will be useful to all incoming personnel.

Required & Suggested Training List

This item is intended to provide a list of training course required by employees and affiliates, as well as some training that is not required for all personnel, but may be required or strongly suggested based on one's role. See the Onboarding Checklist for related materials.

To view the list in a separate window, hover over the upper right corner and click the "pop out" icon that appears.

Required & Suggested Training